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Medical Treatment Error, 3rd Leading Cause of Death

On Behalf of | May 25, 2016 | Firm News


Medical accidents and medical malpractice result in numerous injuries and death per year. In fact, the The American Association of Justice recently released a study highlighting the number of deaths as a result of medical negligence has increased from 98,000 in 1999 to 251,000 in 2015 making it the third leading cause of death. With local attorney and partner Travis Holtrey, a member of the American Association for Justice, demanding transparency and accountability be transferred to medical providers is an absolute must. American Association for Justice President Larry Tawwater is quoted on the BMJ’s publication of a study on Tuesday stating, “Medical errors are causing the same number of deaths that would occur if five 737 jets crashed every day. We wouldn’t tolerate that from the airline industry and we shouldn’t tolerate it from the healthcare industry, either. Not only do these deadly errors occur, they are investigated in secret by the healthcare industry and the results are never revealed to the public or even to the family of the person killed. This week’s study demonstrates the urgent need for transparent investigations and accountability. Policymakers must start focusing less on protecting the healthcare industry and focusing more on protecting patients. Lives depend on it.” To read more on this article click here: As mentioned on our site, medical negligence includes, cases involving accidents or malpractice by physician, dentist, nurse, pharmacist, or other health care professional, such as prescription drug mistakes, errors in diagnosis, treatment, or surgical procedure; and licensing, credential or consent issues. Medical negligence can occur in any medical situation, from an appointment with your dentist, an emergency room visit, an annually scheduled physical, outpatient surgery or even high-risk operating room procedure. If you think that you or a loved one has suffered due to medical negligence, contact Foreman Watson Holtrey, LLP for a free consultation today. 
