No Matter The Legal Issue, It’s Not Just Our Duty To Help You,
It’s Our Mission


Kathy Embry

Kathy Embry

Paralegal to Travis L. Holtrey and Assistant Office Manager – Owensboro

Favorite music album & why? I don’t know and who listens to albums now

Dumbest decision you’ve ever made & what would you have done differently? I don’t know, and if it was so dumb why would I want to anyone to know.

An embarrassing moment? See answer to # 4

What’s your greatest fear & why? Snakes because they are creepy.

Why would you recommend FWH to a friend or family member? Because we go the extra mile.

Kelley Chappell

Kelley Chappell

Paralegal to Travis L. Holtrey (Personal Injury Litigation and Business Litigation) – Owensboro

Favorite food & why? Spaghetti

What’s your idea of a perfect vacation? – Turks and Caicos Islands, getting a hut over the water.

Do you have any pets? – 1 dog

Favorite tv shows? – The Rookie, Bridgerton, Emily in Paris

Best memory while working at FWH? Building homes together at Habitat for Humanity.

Cassandra Blair

Cassandra Shriver

Cassandra Blair, Legal Assistant to John Bennett and Tyler Johnson – Owensboro

Dumbest decision you’ve ever made & what would you have done differently? Finance a vehicle – always pay cash and never buy new.

What’s your greatest fear & why? Not raising my children to be good, caring, and loving citizens/people.

Best Live concert you’ve ever attended? Garth Brooks

Favorite food & why? Ice, the best fat and calorie free snack food.

What is something our firm does for the community & why is that important? Blood Drives and always donating to help our community.

Mindy Singer

Mindy Willis

Legal Assistant to Travis L. Holtrey (Business Litigation and Co-Counsel Case Assignments) – Owensboro

Do you believe in Bigfoot? Why or why not? I believe there are all kind of creatures that we as humans are unfamiliar with, not sure if bigfoot is real though.

What’s the greatest gift someone has given you? Homemade gifts from my kids.

Have you ever seen or heard a ghost? I saw my Grandfathers Spirt once after he passed, most amazing experience.

Favorite food & why? Uh, I’m a fluffy gal, I love all the food.

Best memory while working at FWH? Thanksgiving lunch in the conference room, we had a lot of laughter and storytelling.

Tara Dant

Tara Dant

Paralegal to Tyler Johnson – Owensboro

Favorite music album & why? 80’s because it is the best!

Favorite film and why? Titanic because I am obsessed with the Titanic.

Best Live concert you’ve ever attended? Vanilla Ice and Tone Loc in Central City.

Favorite food & why? Steak because it is amazing.

Best memory while working at FWH? When Tyler came upstairs with marital property in a divorce and was holding a rifle while Tom Neal was coming down the hallway on the opposite end and Tyler just looked at Tom and said, “family law case”.

Sarah Cooper

Sarah Cooper

Paralegal to Davin L. Shaw – Madisonville

Favorite music album & why? Fleetwood Mac 1975 or Rumors, everyone thinks Taylor Swift is the best for these songs about her exes, but Stevie would write them and make them sing them with her. True Legend. Seriously though the album is amazing.

Favorite film and why? UP. It is hands down the sweetest love story you’ll ever find. I oddly enough relate to Ellie in the movie a lot.

An embarrassing moment? When I learned that taxidermists in fact do NOT do peoples taxes.

Have you ever seen or heard a ghost? 100%

Best memory while working at FWH? I would say being on the podcast, but the haters keep me from doing it. JK. Probably when Davin fell down the stairs, the first time though because by the third time I knew what the noise was.

Amaris Defatte

Amaris Defatte

Legal Assistant to Davin L. Shaw – Madisonville

Favorite music album & why? Man on the Moon, best album to come out of the 2000’s

Favorite film and why? Rocky IV, I grew up watching it with my dad, I was pretty much raised on the Rocky Movies.

Do you believe in Bigfoot? Why or why not? Yes, if dinosaurs are real why can’t bigfoot be real.

What’s your greatest fear & why? Chickens, they always chase me around.

What do you love most about working at FWH? It’s not what you expect when you think of a law firm. It feels like people just trying to help people. The attorneys care about you and want to help you any way they can.

Heather Sharp

Heather Sharp

Paralegal to Hollie Lindsey (Personal Injury) – Bowling Green

Favorite music album & why? Rascal Flatts was one of my favorite groups growing up.

Favorite film and why? Pride and Prejudice. Loved the time period and actors all around good movie.

What’s your greatest fear & why? My greatest fear is the deep ocean because who knows what is actually down there.

Favorite food & why? I love Chinese food. Never ate it till I turned fifteen and still can’t get enough.

Why would you recommend FWH to a friend or family member? We have amazing lawyers who know the ins and outs of the law and strive to get the clients what they deserve.

Stacey Hagan

Stacey Hagan

Paralegal to Hollie Lindsey (Probate, Estate Planning and Immigration) – Hartford

Favorite music album & why? —Rod Stewart—Greatest Hits

Favorite film and why? To Kill a Mockingbird. Just so wholesome.

Dumbest decision you’ve ever made & what would you have done differently? Used my dad’s razor to shave my legs at 10 years old and cutting a 6-inch gash in my leg leaving a scar that still haunts me.

An embarrassing moment? Never letting that cat out of the bag, next question.

What do you love most about working at FWH? Most of the time it doesn’t feel like a job, it’s my life.

AK Warren

AK Warren

Co-Director of Marketing & Social Media Management – Owensboro

Favorite film and why? Talladega Nights – because Ricky Bobby is my spirit animal and it’s the only movie I can watch 100 times and it never get old.

Dumbest decision you’ve ever made & what would you have done differently? Probably backing into my dad’s two day old, brand new, truck after being told “watch out for my truck”. Things I would’ve done differently- looked at my backup camera

What’s your greatest fear & why? My greatest fear would be not going to heaven.

Favorite food & why? Deer meat because you can have it 100 different ways – jerky, summer sausage, burgers, tenderloins, backstraps…yum!

What sets FWH apart from other law firms? The way they care for people. Clients at FWH aren’t just another number. They’re part of us.

June Conder

June Conder

Legal Medical Investigator – Owensboro

Favorite music album & why? BonJovi’s Slippery When Wet Album. They were the popular rock band during my teenage years, back in the 80’s. My friends and I would drive around Wesleyan Park Plaza multiple times every Friday and Saturday night with that cassette blaring! We knew every word to every song… fun times!

Dumbest decision you’ve ever made & what would you have done differently? My husband and I were dating. We borrowed a luggage carrier for my Tahoe to go on vacation. He attached it to the top the day before. I had to pick up something at his house while he was working. I was in a hurry, and it was raining. I didn’t want to get my hair wet, so I quickly pulled into his garage, crushing the carrier! We then went to Sears and bought a new one.

An embarrassing moment? We were at French Lick for a Bachelor/Bachelorette party for my nephew and his fiancé. I called his fiancé by his ex-wife’s name!

What’s your greatest fear & why? Snakes! If anyone talks about them or I see one, I fear they will get into my bed sheets. I will check the sheets before getting into bed.

Why would you recommend FWH to a friend or family member? The attorney’s and staff are committed to treating clients with respect while focusing on providing justice.

P.J. Starks

P.J. Starks

Director of Media Arts and Crash Scene Technical Operations

Favorite film and why? If I said a film I wrote and produced titled New Fears Eve would that be shameless?

Do you believe in Bigfoot? Yes. I’ve never seen a Bigfoot but it’s just an animal, and new large mammals are discovered all the time. I don’t see why this is considered too farfetched.

What’s your greatest fear & why? It used to be dying and then I got saved. Now it’s less about dying and more about how I die. Will is be insanely painful and gruesome? Yikes.

Have you ever seen or heard a ghost? Absolutely. I’ve seen ghosts my whole life starting when I was about eight. I had a panic attack in 2012 and got placed on anxiety meds and since then I don’t see or experience them as often. So, either it has stifled my sixth sense or I was just crazy the whole time. I suppose either one is a logical explanation.

What is something our firm does for the community & why is that important? We get involved to change lives for the better. Not just from a professional standpoint with clients who’ve been injured, going through divorce, need a will and the like. We’re at local sporting events, helped build low-cost housing, put on blood drives, and even donated our time and resources to produce videos for non-profits free of charge. It’s about being there when those in need require it the most and we provide that in spades.

Meredith Rowland

Meredith Rowland

Legal Medical Investigator – Owensboro

Favorite music album & why? Nirvana’s ‘Nevermind’. Their MTV Unplugged Episode is my favorite of all time. Kurt Kobain was either brilliant or disturbed but was excellent at telling stories through music.

Do you believe in Bigfoot? Why or why not? It’s a NO for me! That show “ Finding Bigfoot”, I don’t remember one episode where Bigfoot was found.

What’s your greatest fear & why? Ironically being in a car accident. There is such a broad spectrum of what could happen. I think it is just a fear of the unknown and the possibility of extensive injury.

Favorite food & why? Homemade Butterscotch Pie. I don’t get to have these anymore because my grandmother was the only one who could make them in our family. She didn’t teach anyone in the family how to make them before she left us. If anyone out there knows how to make them, please hit me up. I’m talking butter and brown sugar in a pan on the stove top to make the pie filling, NOT butterscotch pudding in a graham cracker crust! Yuck!

What do you love most about working at FWH? This is truly a phenomenal group of people to work with. They take pride in what they do. They strive to be the best at serving their community and clients.

Warren Garrison

Legal Assistant (Hartford) / Rural Marketing Coordinator

What’s your Favorite Film?
Goodfellas. Any old mob movies are interesting to me.

Do you believe in Bigfoot?
Yeah, I believe in Bigfoot! Have you not seen the pictures!?

What’s the dumbest decision you’ve ever made?
I decided to take a class at WKU that was about Gandhi because I thought it would be easy…. I was in that class for about 3 days before I realized it wasn’t what I thought.

What is your greatest fear?
Scary movies. I don’t see the point in them, and I will be the person that screams out loud in the theater.

What sets FWH apart from other law firms?
I think the consistent effort to not only provide the best quality of representation for clients but also in the community through various events or sponsorships. I think it is easy for people to do it one time and say that they were a part of it but to continue to do it year after year it’s what sets us apart.