Most dog bites are minor incidents. Many people have small dogs who can only inflict minor damage. People may suffer a few shallow wounds that require medical attention initially but that eventually heal completely.
Unfortunately, some dog bite attacks have more serious medical consequences than others. In fact, people may develop long-lasting or even permanent medical consequences because of a dog bite incident.
Those who sustain more serious injuries or who experience long-lasting consequences may need to pursue compensation by holding the animal’s owner accountable through litigation or an insurance claim. The following are some of the more costly potential consequences that could follow a dog bite incident.
Significant infections
A dog’s mouth, like any animal’s mouth, is full of saliva that contains bacteria. A dog’s teeth have a tapered shape to them, which means that they can produce deep puncture wounds. It can be very difficult to clean a dog bite injury properly. Especially if people don’t see a medical professional immediately after the incident, they could be at risk of an infection. A dog bite infection can spread and become a systemic issue. People may need to take antibiotics and might even require inpatient medical care in more extreme cases.
Disfiguring scars
Many dogs don’t just bite once and release. They latch on and tear. Tearing wounds can lead to the development of significant scar tissue. Particularly when the dog bit a person on their face, neck or hands, those scars may be readily visible yet to other people. Disfiguring scars can cause painful range-of-motion issues and can affect how other people perceive the victim of the dog bite incident. Major scars can limit earning potential and can cause self-esteem issues and other mental health consequences.
Psychological challenges
There are multiple different negative psychological consequences possible after a dog bite attack. Some people develop a fear of dogs. Others might develop a fear of open spaces if the dog attacked them at a park. Those who feared for their lives during an attack might even develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The individuals dealing with scars may experience depression and social withdrawal. Treating those psychological symptoms can take years and may cost thousands of dollars.
Holding an animal’s owner for a dog bite attack can help people cover their medical expenses and other financial losses related to the incident. People who understand the lasting repercussions of a dog bite may feel more comfortable about the idea of taking action against an aggressive animal’s owner.