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What would happen if you were incapacitated? Are you prepared?

On Behalf of | Oct 9, 2024 | Estate Planning

While nobody likes to think about the possibility of becoming incapacitated, life is unpredictable, and disaster can strike when you least expect it. An incapacitating accident or illness can happen to anyone at any time.

Imagine being unable to make decisions for yourself about critical aspects of your life, such as your health, finances or even the care of your children, due to physical or mental incapacitation. Without a proper plan, your family might struggle to manage your daily affairs and face the emotional burden of making difficult personal decisions for you.

Take the time to plan now

Who will speak for you if you cannot communicate your medical preferences? In Kentucky, you can create an advance healthcare directive specifying the types of treatment you wish to receive or not when you are incapacitated. You may also appoint someone you trust to ensure your wishes are followed or make medical decisions on your behalf.

Similarly, you need someone to manage your finances when you cannot do so. A financial power of attorney can help on this front. Designating someone to be responsible for overseeing your financial affairs helps ensure that your bills are paid on time, your investments are well managed, and your assets are protected if you become incapacitated. It also spares your loved ones the formalities and complications of accessing your accounts to cover essential expenses.

It’s essential to consider the future of your minor children as well. Designating a suitable guardian can help ensure their safety and well-being during your incapacitation. Without this designation, the court may decide who will raise your children, which could lead to unwanted outcomes.

Seeking legal guidance to ensure that your incapacitation plans are thorough and complete can give you peace of mind and protect your interests and loved ones when you can’t.
