- Lawn Mower Injuries
- Killer Sunburns
- BBQ Blunders
- Dehydration
- Swimming Pool
- Firework Injuries
- Head Injury
- Boating & Personal Watercraft Injury
- On The Road
- Insect Stings & Bites
Lawn Mower Injuries
Each year 80,000 Americans require hospital treatment for lawnmower accidents, the majority of which are caused when rocks and sticks are accidentally picked up and thrown by the mower blades.
Prevent it: First clear the yard of any kids. Then check to see if your mower is in good working condition, clear the yard of any objects that could be flung by the lawnmower blades, and don’t mow without enough daylight. Make sure to wear long clothes, closed toed shoes, sunglasses, and ear plugs.
Treat it: It depends on where you get hurt, but see a doctor right away if your eyes are injured. If you’ve cut yourself, clean the wound with soap and water, and control the bleeding with pressure. If the injury is severe, seek immediate medical attention.
BBQ blunders
Making burgers and kabobs sounds like a brilliant idea, until you remember that you aren’t a grill master. U.S. fire departments respond to an average of 8,200 home fires involving grills, hibachis or barbecues per year, and burns to the skin and smoke inhalation are far more numerous.
Prevent it: Exercise caution when lighting the grill and opening the cover, since once it’s fired up, the whole shebang is hot. And while it’s tempting to toss some gasoline or kerosene on the grill to see it flame, refrain.
Treat it: If it’s a minor burn, hold the skin under cool running water to reduce swelling for up to 15 minutes or until the pain subsides. If the burn is on the face, hands, or over a large part of the body, you may want to seek medical attention.
Insect Stings and Bites
Many insect stings and bites, such as those delivered by mosquitoes, can be little more than bothersome. But in certain areas of the country these bugs have been known to transmit certain infectious diseases, such as dengue and chikungunya in the Southeast, and West Nile disease in the Northeast. Bee stings are another summer worry; they can be life-threatening, especially in people who are allergic to bees.
Prevent it: If you’re heading into the woods, skip the shorts and tanks and cover up with lightweight, long-sleeved shirts and pants. Make sure to also wear insect repellant on exposed skin.
Treat it: About 80% of patients with Lyme disease develop a circular, red “bull’s-eye” rash at the site of the tick bite. If you spy that, see your doctor immediately. Symptoms of West Nile include fever, headache, tiredness, and body aches, a skin rash on the trunk of the body, and swollen lymph glands.